Leather Bags - Shop

Shop all our ready design hand stitched leather bags, from shoulder bags, back packs, clutch bags and more! Check out the Create your Own Bag section to completely customise any of the designs you see here!

To find our smaller leather items such as home decor, gifts and accessories click here

Please be aware the majority of our leather goods are made to order and can have a lead time of 1-2 weeks before dispatch. While we always try to get items out sooner please take this into account when placing your order. See individual items for specific delivery times. 

Each piece is completely hand cut, sewn and finished by us here at Orgill Originals. We pride our leather on their unique and secure designs. Perfect for day-to-day use or special occasions. Stand out from the crowd with a beautiful genuine leather piece of craftsmanship.

Find all our tips and tricks to look after your leather items HERE

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